The Performance Mentor

Mentor > Work Tips > How to get Discovered

How to get Discovered


Title: How to get Discovered


Many people with talent are looking for ways to get discovered. If you are one of those persons, you might be wondering what others are doing to advance in their career. If there is no doubt that you believe that you have the talent, education and would be a better fit for advancement opportunities. You have to understand that more action will be required for the right persons to discover you.

How to Get Discovered
  1. Nurture your talent.

You have to work really hard on your talent as it’s not enough to just want to be recognised in the entertainment field that you have chosen. If you’re serious about having a successful career, you have to practice a lot to gain all the experience that you possibly can. Start training and do not stop so that you will be all set when your time comes and you connect with the right people. The results of natural abilities with consistent training will give you what it takes to get noticed or be discovered.

  1. Build-up a strong presence online.

The single most powerful way for anyone to reach a wide audience today is to use the Internet. You can harness the power of online profiles with sites that have talent directories to build customised webpages or online portfolio that will allow people to find you from all over the world. Be active on any social media platforms ensuring you upload your best and latest works, media, showreels and etc on your social media pages like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Google+, LinkedIn and more. Let your followers know your stories too via Instagram stories and Snapchat.

  1. Find out and learn from like-minded individuals.

It is very important to find and surround yourself with people who are doing exactly what you want instead of those who are attempting to acquire what you want. For this, you need to take advantage of opportunities and get together with like-minded individuals, like joining dance classes, workshops or going to auditions. This will allow you to make friends with those who share a similar passion for your chosen career in the field of entertainment as well as to provide you with networking opportunities and measure your performance against other professional acts so that you can focus more on your weaknesses and strengths. You will definitely learn more from individuals who are doing exactly what you are aspiring to do.

  1. Go to the places where talented persons get discovered.

If you are an entertainer, a performer, or a dancer who wants important people to find you, then you have to go where you can be seen. This could includes going across seas to places like London, New York or Los Angeles where most dance conventions, and more dance work opportunity is. These important individuals could also find you in musical theatres, while performing on streets, in dance classes, workshops, competitions, through videos on social media particularly on YouTube, who knows you might be one of the famous YouTubers in the future? You need to get out in front of them and make it extremely easy for them to notice your exceptional talent. So, go out of your comfort zone and let the world know how talented and gifted you are. It’s your time to shine!

When it comes to how to get discovered, you have to be willing to practice hard, take lessons, put yourself before the important people and devote lots of time to your craft. Just believe in yourself and never ever give up! After doing these things on a regular basis, you’ll know how to intuitively position yourself to get discovered. Wish you luck!


Stay blessed
From Natricia aka the Performance Mentor