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Choosing the right stage name


Title: Choosing the right stage name


Are you a performer who is still trying to figure your stage name out? Nowadays, lot of people use their real name, but with some many people having the same unique name it’s not so easy to stand out of the crowd. If you have searched every corner of your mind and still haven’t thought of something good, this article might help you decide on that.

Why is it important to figure out a good stage name?

Your stage name would symbolise your brand as a performer. Primarily, a well picked stage name will hold up your brand and effectively have dealings with what you as a performer, embody and what makes you peculiar. Also you want a stage name for life, just like your real name.

It is important to have a stage name as a performer, especially if you want to take full advantage of the opportunities in a highly competitive entertainment industry. This name will help your craft, connect more effectively with the audience or reflect a unique public persona. Read on to know more as this write-up will give you some tips on how to choose the right stage name.

Before going further, you need to understand how you can benefit from having a stage name. This name can help you to accomplish many things, all of which should be considered because they will influence the choice that you make. For one, a stage name will help with your branding, giving you a different identity to grow as a brand. It can also help you to stand out and become more memorable in the entertainment business, especially if your real name is extremely common. This name will also help you to keep your personal and public life separate.

Tips to Follow in Choosing the Right Stage Name:

Get a Stage Name to Reflect Your Persona

You are able to express yourself though this name, so you need to decide what it should signify. The chosen name should be able to reflect your performance identity.

Your Name Should Connect to a Story

People always want to know how performers come up with their names. If your name is not interesting, you can make up one that is more exciting to go with it.

Brand Assessment

Before you start figuring out names, be sure to assess yourself concerning on who you are and how you want to be depicted in the eyes of the public.

Start Brainstorming

After you finish assessing yourself, start brainstorming. Do know that there are no wrong or bad ideas. Take note of all the possible stage names you have thought of.

Research Your Name

Do a simple Google search to find out the meaning of your chosen name. You want the history and meaning of that name to reflect whatever you want to portray. Should it have one. You also want to know whom you could share this with.

Select a Searchable Name

It should be easy for people to find your stage name when using search engines such as Google. A name with common words might be harder to find.

Your Name Should Grow With You

Your chosen name must be appealing for the next ten or twenty years and not something that you will get tired of pretty quickly. It should suit you as a young and an older performer. Nobody wants to keep changing all their media and social media accounts, it’s confusing for your followers

Important Notes:
  • The name that you choose as a stage name is really for life, so you need to do the necessary checking to ensure that it is not already taken. It’s highly unlikely that you will be the only one with that name, but you could be doing different things in different countries so find that expectable for your brand. For example, you might want to think about a different name if you have the same name as a popular porn star that has high search results and you’re doing healing work.
  • Check with your potential union or guild. Every Screen Actors Guild or Equity member needs a unique name.
  • Sometimes the real names are simpler.
  • Make it simple and easy to pronounce. Use name(s) that people can spell, remember and say easily.
  • Choose a stage name that is timeless.
  • Check if you are using a free domain name and the popularity of this name.
  • If you are not using your real name, you should inform agents and clients for legal purposes, such as compensation, contacts and travel documents.
  • Lastly, choose what you want for yourself. It’s about you as a performer and not about the public.

This should be a unique professional name that represents your personal brand name. Your name must not be confused with others as this will cause you to miss out on opportunities to get work or collect royalties. Remember, when cast is being shortlisted they list your headshot and name. Once there is more than one of that name you become Bella B, Bella F and so on. But most importantly when you’re the one, it doesn’t matter your name. You own it and your name will own you.

Clients also ask for your social media names or accounts so this should be something to consider when you select a stage name and link all your sites, profiles and accounts as everything is a reflection of you.

That is most of it. We wish you the best of luck for your future career ahead and your awesome stage name with it.