The Performance Mentor

Mentor > Parenting Tips > Should I Take my Baby to a Casting?

Should I Take my Baby to a Casting?


Title: Should I Take my Baby to a Casting?


There are a lot of things to consider if you are bringing a baby to a casting. You need to be in control of things if you are planning to do that. Everyone is so busy these days. So if you are a working mom with one or two babies, chances are, you might get caught up with things at work and forget something important. This gets very stressful. Having a spare time is very valuable. So take it if you have time.

Before you are planning to take your baby to work, you need to know your priorities. And first on top is the baby. You need to put the baby on the top of the to-do list. Don’t do multitasking. We don’t have super powers. Remember, we are just human beings. Just do things one at a time. Before going to a casting with your baby you need to make sure this is even allowed. Yes you may have no choice but is this appropriate?  Is this a short casting? And do you have someone to watch over the child while you’re in the session as the casting director’s team are working?  Is the baby clean, has the baby eaten, do you have toys etc? Have you packed your baby bag with enough supplies? Be prepared because forgetting the diapers would be a nightmare. When arriving at the venue, you need to check out the environment. Making sure that every corner of the place is safe for the baby.

Get a helping hand. If you can bring along a family member, a relative, a husband or even a friend, that would be a great help. As an actor, singer or dancer you need to focus on what you are doing especially when you are on a casting or audition. You need to concentrate on work because a slight distraction can get you to make mistakes and then you will never be booked. Also if it’s too stressful, maybe better don’t go than overwhelm yourself.

Keep the baby’s attention with something that they are familiar with like food, or it could be anything that the baby can play with safely or their special toy.

You need to think hard about this because it is a serious responsibility. It takes a strong determined working mother to pull this off. So, if you think you got everything from above covered, then you are good to go.